Sunday, February 1, 2015

Generalizing Islam

Wow. I guess people are untitled to their opinions but I personally don't believe in generalizing something to a whole religion. Obviously, everyone has the right to say what they believe but this is just completely wrong. Religion is the problem of so many peoples fights, wars and disagreements. I personally am a Christian, but there are a lot of problems within Christianity especially seen in this article. The way of the Lord is "So whatever you wish that others would do, do also to them" (Matthew 7:12), but many people do not follow this rule. Within this article they say and generalize how Islamic people "take women and rape them", there are definitely people who do do this, but blaming a whole religion is not okay. That is something that causes so many fights and is something that shouldn't. It is not worth fighting over something that nobody actually truly knows the truth about. People are born and raised and believe in something they want to believe. Some people may know their religion is the "correct" one, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't respect everyone else's religion. The fact that Reverend Graham just is bashing a religion that has basically the same Golden Rule is disgraceful. That is not what being a Christian is. Being a Christian is being someone who loves everyone, and accept everything. This type of hateful words and generalizations is what destroys our world. It causes more harm than good.

This is a wonderful article about how being a Muslim is not what people think. It shows the Golden Rules of many religions which is a very important thing because of the way people view each other's religions when in reality they are so closely related.

Reverend Graham Article

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