Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Klansville (KKK) USA

This video was shocking. Coming from Connecticut in a very liberal area, this was shocking to realize that North Carolina had the most Klan members out of anywhere. Going to school in NC, near Greensboro where the lunch counter sit-ins began is mind-blowing. Where I live is such a huge part of the Civil Rights Movement.

The leader of the KKK is called the Grand Dragon which everyone thought was hilarious. This group is hateful and horrible. They have their own mindset and ideas of how the world should be but what they forget is that everything they try to get rid of shows the beauty within the world.

Why they did everything was because they were afraid of losing power. The crazy white people wanted to be in charge and they were having to compete with the blacks which scared them. What I cannot grasp is how someone could teach another to hate someone because of what they look like. Racism is taught, you are not born hating another.

The best part about the New KKK was that they dress like idiots, and they got it from a movie called The Birth of a Nation. In this movie they wore the white hoods and the rebirth of the KKK took this aspect and used it.

The KKK was so popular that they would have cookouts and parties almost for the white people as an escape. They acted as block parties in a way, then they would speak and get donations. The KKK would have preachers come in and talk to give a religious reason of why blacks, jews and many other types of people should be hated.

They would use religion as a crutch to say why you should hate someone. Religion was not created for that.

On the opposing side, Martin Luther King Jr. would also use religion as to why slavery, segregation and hating people was wrong. This caused much debate on both sides. The March on Washington was a breaking point for the KKK. The March had so much support they had no strength compared to that. Whites, blacks, Jews, people of all shapes, color and size came together to hold hands and show they world that we were all humans. This was a proud moment for the CRM it is when they really started advancing and showed the world how much support their actually was.

This is a worth while watch, I learned a lot even learning about it in school for many years. It gives you a look on both sides and has a lot of information that has not been said.

Klansville USA Video

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