Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Obama Could Smoke

Weed is a huge debate in this world, and especially in America. There seems to be a fine line of smokers and people who are so against it. Well, currently in Washington D.C. it has now been legalized to smoke marijuana. It is for people 21 and older, and pot cannot be sold to someone else for money, but residents can grow up to 6 plants.

This idea of growing your own weed makes things so much less dangerous in my opinion. If you are buying from a dealer on a street corner, having laced weed is a threat. I have heard of many cases in NYC saying that weed there was laced with meth to make people actually addicted to it to get them to buy more.

This is a problem that could be solved and D.C. is doing it by letting people grow their own weed. This will cut down on many crimes, and it will help drug use too.

To me marijuana should be legalized everywhere, and it would save the government $13.7 billion dollars per year.

There has never been a death due to the drug, helps defeat and work with side effects of cancer, helps anxiety, nausea, and so many other things. I'm glad things are looking in the right direction.

DC Legalize Pot

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