Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gay Prince of India

Today in class we discussed gay marriage and the effects it will have on our country when it rises to the Supreme Court. This sparked me to go to CNN and see what types of articles there were out there.

I came across a video that involved an Indian Prince, Manvendra Singh Gohil, who was disowned from his family. He had married a woman, then not long after they got a divorce. He came out in 2006, and he had tried to make it easier for many other people to come out.

There is a ban on gay sex in India, and many people are discriminated against. He has a dream to be equal with everyone else, and where gay men can live in peace. Many people in India do not say if they are gay because they do not want to be discriminated against.

This saddens me so much because of how ignorant so many people can be. I grew up with the ideas of love is love, so I understand how some people are taught that gay marriage is wrong. But, in America, there is a separation between church and state, correct? So with that, religion is not even an option when it comes to this argument which so many people try to play because it is a "sin". Divorce is a sin, eating certain meats is a sin; and what so many people forget, is if they believe that God created us, then didn't God intend for someone to be gay or not?

Religion is so tricky when it comes to that and I could argue how it is not wrong for years, but I won't. I want people to open their minds and their hearts and realize that whether someone is gay, bisexual or heterosexual, everyone is a human being.

But, we should ALWAYS let love be love.

Video of Gay Prince CNN

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